油泵联锁 油压低时,自动启动油泵联锁保护。
主要包括集气管压力控制系统、焦炉加热系统(包含分烟道压力控制、主煤气流量控制等)、气液分离器液位控制等。 集气管压力控制 1336F-MCB-SP2G主板配件
焦炉集气管压力控制是焦炉控制的关键之一。采用先进控制手段,对焦炉焦气管压力进行长期稳定控制,对于改善环境、提高煤气回收量和质量以及焦炉辅助产品产量和质量,具有重要的意义。 分烟道压力控制
分烟道压力控制的目的是保证烟道的吸力稳定,达到合理的空气过剩系数,从而减少热损失,提高热效率。根据分烟道压力变化自动调节烟道翻板的开度,稳定分烟道压力。燃烧控制系统采用以加热煤气量作为前馈参数调节烟道吸力的方案,考虑到废气含氧量受诸多方面因素影响。 主煤气流量控制
加热系统控制采用前馈控制结合焦炉炉温自动管理算法修正的方案,即将影响焦炉加热的主要因素如加热煤气特性、配合煤的特性和焦炉操作等纳入流量控制模块。加热控制采用前-反馈相结合的方式,根据实测的火道温度反馈调节加热煤气流量;根据煤气流量的变化前馈调节分烟道吸力的大小。 1336F-MCB-SP2G主板配件
method, Ying established the necessary and sufficient conditions for the local stability of TS fuzzy control system including nonlinear objects [23]. In addition, a vector Lyapunov direct method used in large-scale systems is used to derive the stability conditions of multivariable fuzzy systems [48]; Lyapunov's second method is used to judge the stability of quantitative factor selection of fuzzy system [49]; Popov Lyapunov method is used to study the robust stability of fuzzy control systems [50].
However, some stability conditions of Lyapunov are usually conservative, that is, when the stability conditions are not satisfied, the control system is still stable.
4.2 method based on sliding mode variable structure system
Because the fuzzy controller adopts semantic expression, it is difficult to ensure the stability and robustness of the fuzzy control system in the system design. Sliding mode control has an obvious characteristic, that is, it can deal